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Showing posts from June, 2020

Declutter - Memory

I think I’m most afraid when I can’t figure out, what I supposed to do next. Maybe you all know this feeling of stuck in between. When you’re completely ready to go and kick another task to the curb, in between you’ll miss little fragments that life offers. I’m talking about the times, when you have that immediate high that you can accomplish anything on the go, putting a bright wide smile of pride on your face? Heck yeah! Maybe not. I’ve realized this feeling for quite sometime, all in the span of morning. Sometimes it goes until I sleep, which keeps me alive. Memory, It can play trick on us. It fail us when we’re down and out. It can save us when the pressure is on. The people who are able to use their brains effectively can do such wonderful things in the world. And then there are those who avoid using their brains completely and settle into an instant-filled life. I lie on second one, even forgetting my personal little things. My memory can store silly things to huge pr

Declutter - Insomnia

Sleep is a delicious escape. Sleep is an act of faith: we hope that we will wake again. The vast majority of people see insomnia as a problem.  What exactly is insomnia? Insomnia is a place of suffering and creation. Insomnia usually begin with a lament. Of we insist viewing insomnia as merely as a matter of negatives, a condition defined by nothing, a blank. The we risk missing what it can potentially reveal. I love to sleep, I adore naps; the exhale that the day is over. I always like to write at night. I am a metaphorical insomniac; Asleep, but not at rest. Awake, my eyes closed. We have to learn to use this as advantage. Instead of spending that time on social networks, on watching TV, or even reading books. Personally, I prefer to spend those moments reflecting (Introspection). I estimate last two articles written were the ripen fruits of those nocturnal reflections. “A crisis of good or of evil, a dark night of the soul that may either bless or curse, that can lead in

Declutter - Stress

Stress is something everyone goes through rather of their age, gender and race. Stress is an experience through a perceived threat to one’s own mental, physical and social wellbeing. When people think of stress they think that it’s a bad thing which isn’t true. Stress is a natural phenomenon, at times stress can feel like taking over your full body, resulting mentally, physically and emotionally hurt but what we can do is to learn how to manage stress to have a healthier and happier life. A major source of my stress is financial issues. Fortunately, my parents are able to provide me with my necessary needs like food, education, home, clothes and money. At the point where I need to be dependent on my own rather my parents which itself causes me lot of stress. Another source of my stress is seeing my parents hurt whether it is physically, mentally or emotionally. My parents work so hard to raise me which inspires me and seeing them hurt is stressing me out where I’m unable to

Declutter - Depression

I came across a 21 days challenge, in which I was asked to do routine exercises and decluttering. In that I was immensely attracted and loved to do was the gratitude and Self care part. One day, I was asked to write about how depressive you are and how would came out of it!?  So I would like to share it out with you. Thinking back, I believe, I began to experience depression since I was sixteen years of age. Though, I didn’t recognise it for what until I was Twenty years old. In between, all those years were I believed that it was the demotivation which is crucially doomed my all strengths and it was the reason of my laziness, pessimism and struggles. I often thought, “You have every single opportunity in the world to live happy and fulfilling life and you’re throwing it all down the drain by acting stupid.”  I thought that with enough work on myself and to the cores, I can change myself to power and happiest life I ever want it to be, I could become more happier, better an

Chapter Seven - Invigorate

She stick her tongue out at him, taking a mental picture of blush that raises to his cheeks. Mr. Hari: All right, then, Rajesh? Rajesh: I'll take Hema . Ahana: Predictable! But Govrav chose me as his partner. What's he trying to pull? Oh is he trying to make up for the evening that day? I'll ask him at lunch. If he tries to be rude. Hema and Rajesh will have my back. When lunch rolls around, She find Hema, Rajesh and Govrav sit together with little difficulty. Hema smiles at her as she sits down. Hema: Hey, Ahana I'm glad you are here! I feel like this table finally has some balance. Ahana: Glad I could help. Rajesh: Have you guys read the project outline of Mr.Hari's class ? Hema: Yeah! I'm looking forward to it actually. You're actually very lucky to have Govrav as a partner, he's great in all of his English classes. Ahana: Huh? Govrav I suck at English. Good luck Govrav: What? Is that why you said yes? So you can make me do all the work? Ahana: Oh. T

Chapter Six - Project!

Ahana: What's up with this guy? Hema: Now, Ahana I know what this look like.. Ahana: Hema . There's no explanation for this. A random girl showed up and hugged him in front of everyone and they promptly ditched me. If you can explain that way, I'd be impressed. Hema: I know, I know, this looks pretty bad and explanation is going to sound weirder. They're not dating, so rest assured. Ahana: Rest assured, are you serious? Hema: Uh.. umm.. It's little complicated. Ugh.. this is such a sucky situation. I'm really sorry Ahana . Trust me when I say, he's just going through some stuff with his past, and this is a part of that. Ahana: I don't care, Don't tell me the details. I can't waste my time even thinking about this. Hema: Ahana ! Ahana: It's okay Hema . I know you're trying to comfort me, but I really don't need it right now. Hema: Okay, I understand. But as a friend, I remind you that Govrav and Revathi aren't a thing. It'

Chapter Five - Turns

Govrav: Don’t be mad! Can we atleast try to enjoy the night instead of harping on this forever. Ahana: Fine. Govrav: Good. Ahana: I’m not giving up yet. At the Café: The entrance seems to be pleased and the hallway is lit up with a crowd. She quickly spot Rajesh and Hema, who are waiting just inside for them. Rajesh: Hey Govrav , Hey Ahana . Hema: Ahana , You look great! Govrav , You really lucked out, didn’t you? Govrav: I guess. Ahana: What do you mean, you guess? I’m a total snack and you know it. Govrav smiles at her joke, but she see the nervousness cloud his vision. He shifts his eyes warily around the café. Rajesh: She is not yet here bro. She said she’d be here late, if she can make it. Ahana: Who? Hema: You know, it’spretty rude that the first thing you ask about, after arriving with your date (winks), is another girl. Govrav: Uh.. right sorry. Hema: Classic Govrav Ahana:  (Why does he look so nervous right now. And who are they talking about? This is getting really uncomfo