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Declutter - Memory

I think I’m most afraid when I can’t figure out, what I supposed to do next. Maybe you all know this feeling of stuck in between. When you’re completely ready to go and kick another task to the curb, in between you’ll miss little fragments that life offers.

I’m talking about the times, when you have that immediate high that you can accomplish anything on the go, putting a bright wide smile of pride on your face? Heck yeah!

Maybe not.

I’ve realized this feeling for quite sometime, all in the span of morning. Sometimes it goes until I sleep, which keeps me alive.

Memory, It can play trick on us. It fail us when we’re down and out. It can save us when the pressure is on. The people who are able to use their brains effectively can do such wonderful things in the world. And then there are those who avoid using their brains completely and settle into an instant-filled life. I lie on second one, even forgetting my personal little things. My memory can store silly things to huge problems which of no use ( Come on, who needs problems). Forgetting to eat is a hallmark. I miss so damn many meals from the thoughts ' I’ll get this next paragraph done, I’ll get some more sleep and I’ll be lost around some blank space simply doing nothing. And look at the clock, it’s already past 10. Great, I guess I’ll skip food. Then off to do some household chores, reading an unfinished book or simply watching TV (Hey, I’m a human, I need some jokahol (own junk) to live).

Then there are these times, the worry of self- worth floods into me. I think my greatest fear is disappointment. I believe that I’m not a disappointment to anyone. But my brain doesn’t catch up with that. Maybe you know that feeling, that one telling you that you should be doing something, to progress and you lost in that thought, fearing of stagnant mind and character. Huh?

Maybe not.

It’s not easy to remember a lot of stuff from your past. Maybe you don’t want to! Here are some prompts to dive into your memory.

What is your earliest childhood experience or memory?

You have suddenly been given an enhanced brain power that you can remember everything that ‘s ever happened to you nearly at the same time. What do you remember that causes you to change how you behave currently?

If you could change one memory for the better, what would it be and why?

Trace the origins of one of your habits. Figure out when you started doing something that you now do all the time.

Remember back to an extremely happy time in your life.
If you could switch brains with any one person who would it be?

Memory is a great power. We can go through pros and cons of forgetting something in our daily life. Remember whatever you go through, you’re not alone. You’re loved and there is not a single ounce of shame you should feel for seeking a helping hand or perhaps a mind.


  1. It's really a great stufft that everyone should read ... When I was reading this I was able to travel through scenarios which I've gone through...


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